

Create a set of class-based views. You can define only some of them. Then you can override CBV methods as usual:

from django.shortcuts import redirect
from mapentity.views.generic import (
    MapEntityList, MapEntityLayer, MapEntityJsonList, MapEntityDetail,
    MapEntityFormat, MapEntityCreate, MapEntityUpdate, MapEntityDocument,
from .models import Museum

def home(request):
    return redirect('museum_list')

class MuseumList(MapEntityList):
    model = Museum
    columns = ['id', 'name']

class MuseumLayer(MapEntityLayer):
    model = Museum

class MuseumJsonList(MapEntityJsonList, MuseumList):

class MuseumDetail(MapEntityDetail):
    model = Museum

class MuseumFormat(MapEntityFormat, MuseumList):

class MuseumCreate(MapEntityCreate):
    model = Museum

class MuseumUpdate(MapEntityUpdate):
    model = Museum

class MuseumDocument(MapEntityDocument):
    model = Museum

class MuseumDelete(MapEntityDelete):
    model = Museum


MapEntity allows you to define a set of filters which will be used to lookup geographical data. Create a file in your app:

from .models import Museum
from mapentity.filters import MapEntityFilterSet

class MuseumFilter(MapEntityFilterSet):
    class Meta:
        model = Museum
        fields = ('name', )

Then update to use your custom filter in your curstom views:

from .filters import MuseumFilter

class MuseumList(MapEntityList):
    model = Museum
    filterform = MuseumFilter
    columns = ['id', 'name']


Create a form for your Museum model:

from mapentity.forms import MapEntityForm
from .models import Museum

class MuseumForm(MapEntityForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Museum
        fields =  ('name', )

Then update to use your custom form in your curstom views:

from .forms import MuseumForm

class MuseumCreate(MapEntityCreate):
    model = Museum
    form_class = MuseumForm

class MuseumUpdate(MapEntityUpdate):
    model = Museum
    form_class = MuseumForm


To display information accordingly to your Museum model, you can create a template in main/templates/main.

museum_detail_attributes.html can contain:

{% extends "mapentity/mapentity_detail_attributes.html" %}
{% load i18n mapentity_tags %}

{% block attributes %}
    <table class="table-striped table-bordered table">
            <th>{{ object|verbose:"name" }}</th>
            <td>{{ }}</td>
    {{ block.super }}
{% endblock attributes %}

You can override the detail view template for your Museum model by creating a museum_detail.html in the same directory as before.


There is another export system in MapEntity which use Weasyprint (

Instead of using ODT templates, Weasyprint use HTML/CSS and export to PDF. Do not use this system if you need an ODT or DOC export.

Although Weasyprint export only to PDF, there are multiple advantages to it, such as :
  • Use the power of HTML/CSS to generate your pages (far simpler than the ODT template)

  • Use the Django template system to generate PDF content

  • No longer need an instance of convertit to convert ODT to PDF and svg to png

To use MapEntity with Weasyprint, you just need to activate it in the of MapEntity.





If you want to include images that are not SVG or PNG, you will need to install GDK-PixBuf

sudo apt-get install libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev

Now, you can customize the templates used to export your model in two different ways.

First one is to create a template for a model only.

In your museum project, you can override the CSS used to style the export by creating a file named museum_detail_pdf.css in main/templates/main. Refer to the CSS documentation and mapentity_detail_pdf.css.

Note that, in the mapentity_detail_pdf.html, the CSS file is included instead of linked to take advantage of the Django template generation.

Same as the CSS, you can override mapentity_detail_pdf.html by creating a file named musuem_detail_pdf.html. Again, refer to mapentity_detail_pdf.html.

If you create another model and need to override his template, the template should be of the form templates/appname/modelname_detail_pdf.html with appname the name of your Django app and modelname the name of your model.

The second way overrides these templates for all your models.

you need to create a sub-directory named mapentity in main/templates. Then you can create a file named override_detail_pdf.html``(or ``.css) and it will be used for all your models if a specific template is not provided.


Attached files are downloaded by default by browser, with the following line, files will be opened in the browser :


All layers colors can be customized from the settings. See Leaflet reference for vectorial layer style.

The styles are loaded in leaflet map in js and can be use with

MAPENTITY_CONFIG['MAP_STYLES'][key] = {'color': 'red', 'weight': 5}

Or change just one parameter (the opacity for example) :

MAPENTITY_CONFIG['MAP_STYLES'][key]['opacity'] = 0.8

Paperclip medias (under /paperclip/<app>_<model>/<pk>/<name>.**) are protected by mapentity. We use easy_thumbnail to generate thumbnails of pictures. These files are generated with a new name with all the characteristics of the thumbnail generated (crop or not, width, height, etc…). These files need to be protected as the parent picture. We use a regex to find the parent’s picture and all the permissions on this picture.

You can change the regex, for example if you need to add other behaviour with easy_thumbnail :

MAPENTITY_CONFIG['REGEX_PATH_ATTACHMENTS'] = r'\.\d+x\d+_q\d+(_crop)?\.(jpg|png|jpeg)$'